Our customer services team will acknowledge receipt of registration but please note this does not confirm that the course is taking place.
Joining instructions will be sent 10-14 days prior to the course to confirm the details.
For all face-to-face courses, we would advise you not to book the travel or accommodation until you have received joining instructions.
Please contact us immediately if you do not receive an acknowledgement or any joining instructions within the stipulated period.
T: +44 (0)1438 767337
Cancellation Terms and Conditions
Cancelling a course after registration or transferring to an alternative course will incur the below charges.
- 32+ days before course start date: no charge
- 15-31 days before start of course: 50%
- 0-14 days before start of course: 100%.
Online Learning
Once booked, no refund will be given for our 1-hour e-class lifeskill courses.
You will be offered a new date or course.
Substitution Terms and Conditions
Substituting someone else to attend our courses in your place will incur an administration fee of £30.00.
All cancellations, transfers and substitutions, subject to agreement, must be received in writing prior to the commencement of the course.
Cancellations by the IET
We reserve the right to cancel any course. In this case, the full fee will be refunded unless a mutually convenient transfer can be arranged.
Delegate requirements
We aim to offer fully accessible events to all its delegates. Please help us to accommodate any individual requirements that you may have by attaching a note to the registration form. We will contact you to discuss this as necessary.
Course objectives
For course objectives please visit the Courses and Training web pages.
Alternatively, you can contact us by email at
Bank transfers (BACS)
Bank transfers can be made, but please ensure the invoice number is quoted with the payment and allow five working days clearance.
The bank account details are as follows:
Barclays Bank Plc
UK Bank
1 Churchill Place
E14 5HP
Account name: The Institution of Engineering and Technology
Account Number: 50480606
Bank Code Number: 20-65-82
General information
- We are not, in any way, responsible for your travel and accommodation.
- We reserve the right to cancel any course and the full fee will be refunded or a transfer will be offered.
- We want to make every course as accessible as possible. If you have any special requirements please remember to note them on your registration form.
- Please note that in-company terms and conditions are different to public terms and conditions.